“Focus on the user and all else will follow” is a philosophy that can make or break a product.
designers have become notorious for concentrating on implementation
patterns and neglecting the user. It is easy to get lost in grand
concepts at an abstract level and get excited over stuff that makes your
work as a developer easier; thus, the needs and desires of the "real"
users may sometimes take a back seat. Identifying the usability
constraints and designing within them keeps the focus on the user.
Usability Constraints
have certain basic likes and dislikes with various types of
interaction. They are valid not only with human-computer interactions,
but also in real life. Removing what users don’t like and concentrating
what they do like is the first step towards improved user satisfaction.
Listed below are 10 things that users hate:
Users Hate Learning
requires a cognitive investment by the user. It doesn’t make sense to
learn new interactions if there’s no return on the investment we must
make to learn them. Using standard elements in the interface, and
keeping those elements visually consistent among interactions, enables
the user to learn once and then apply that knowledge anywhere. Real
world metaphors can speed learning and help users understand the finest
details, as they allow the designer to leverage what the user has
already learnt in real life.
example, the traveling metaphor that’s used on the World Wide Web makes
it simple for everybody to surf, and a button’s bevel invites the user
to ‘push’ it.
Each user has a different preexisting model in mind
when they approach the interface. The interface should be flexible
enough to accommodate all these user models. For example, a user might
enter a phone number as 617-493-4984 or (617) 493 4984, so the interface
should be prepared to accept either.
Characteristically, users
will try to learn the positions of various elements in the interface and
subsequently try to interact with them without looking at the element
every time. Helping the user remember important elements and fixing
those elements’ locations will improve the efficiency of learning. An
interface should be clean and simple — this makes it easy for advanced
users to remember things, and prevents new users getting lost in the
interface. Categorizing elements into different groups keeps the
interface uncluttered. Personas can also help developers prevent feature
bloat and stay focused on the user.
Users can find it easier to
learn new information little by little, so giving users a few new tasks
at a time can be more effective than deluging them with information. The
learning material shouldn’t hinder the user’s access to the real
content, however; thus the elements in the interface should be both
learnable and scanable. This will allow novice users to learn new
features, while expert users will be able to perform tasks quickly.
for example, should have text/tool tip and an icon. The text/tool tip
makes a button learnable, while the icon makes it scanable. Maintaining a
slow evolution of the interface also helps user learning and builds on
previous successes to create a mature product. Testing new features on a
minor portion of the real users provides the developer with an
indication of realistic performance of the modifications, and allows
slow evolution to occur.
Users Hate Repeating
one likes entering data; we like to repeat data even less. How many
times have you skipped entering personal information on the Web? How do
you feel when you lose data you’ve spent time and effort entering (for
example, a question or comment in a Web form)? Automatic data collection
and the reuse of information will save your users the hassle of data
Users want to obtain or write data once, and be able to use
it anywhere. Any data that can be collected automatically, such as
contextual information about the location, task, state, etc. should be
acquired in this way. The prime advantage of rich Internet applications
is that they keep the data rich even on the client side and enable reuse
of the downloaded data with client side logic. Information must be able
to flow, in accordance with the user’s interaction with the site, to
other connected content. Using standard formats to store data will keep
the user happy by making this kind of interoperability possible. By
locking data into a particular application, users may use the
application, but they’ll hate it if it doesn’t support a particular task
they need.
The default values of the various components in the
interface should reflect majority preferences, yet they should also be
easily deleted so the user can set new values. For example, text fields
should be filled with default values and pre-selected to allow easy
deletion. Auto-completion is another way to reuse data even if the
software doesn’t completely understand that data. Storing all data
collected on the server gives the user a continuous experience across
different devices. For this reason data should be backed up, instead of
being overwritten, to prevent data losses.
Users Hate Waiting
for someone or something to appear is tedious. How many times have you
grown bored waiting for a friend to show up? We hate waiting even more
if we don’t know how long we have to wait. So it’s important to load
data quickly and show progress — the user can plan and fit in other
tasks. Giving users access to the previous task and showing progress
will occupy the user’s attention and keep them informed while the data
loads. Shifting between tasks while they wait requires user effort –
and is another reason why speed is important. Displaying partially
loaded data will also help minimize the perceived wait.
If long wait times can’t be avoided, the user should be informed that they’ll receive an alert after the data loads.
alerts should be sent on completion pending requests when the user goes
back online. Different types of alerts are needed to prevent disturbing
the user during an important task. For example, one type of alert pops
up with a sound, irrespective of what the user is doing. Another alert
type is aggregated in a list that the user will see when they’re free.
One other pops up on a ticker within a side panel that the user will
glance at when they’re available. Alerts should be configurable by the
Users Hate Searching
being able to find what you’re looking for can be frustrating. It’s not
possible to remember where things are if their locations change
frequently. Maintaining consistent navigation is important in helping
users find the information they want. When we’re in a new place, we get
around by asking someone for help, or by looking at signs. Similarly,
search and navigation are very important in finding material in an
online environment.
In the real world, we divide our time among
tasks, and arrange information by topics. We also like to have as many
of our needs met as possible in the one place — it’s simple and it saves
This is why
supermarkets and shopping malls have proven so popular. In the case of
Web applications, the user looks for tasks they can follow in order to
achieve specific goals. A sequence of tasks makes a process; the process
varies for different users. The designer might not be able to envisage
during the design phase all the processes the user may want to follow
within application. Some scenarios may change at a later stage; some
scenarios may not even exist during the design phase. Therefore, it’s
easier to ask where the user wants to go from a task, rather than list
all the possible processes. If the interface is designed around a rigid
process, users may feel locked in. One advantage of html is that the
user can quickly and easily navigate through a site’s information in
ways that the designer may not have expected. The application needs to
allow the user to build personal processes that span a group of services
and content as required.
Processes successfully direct users
towards the goal, imposing minimal cognitive load, yet they restrict
interesting work by creative users. Novice users like to follow tasks
that fall into a default process. Tasks connected by rigid navigation
systems are easier for them to use, though these same systems often
restrict advanced users. In order not to stifle the user’s creativity,
task-based interfaces should be loosely connected. Navigating from one
task to another through the multiple facets into which those tasks fall
suits advanced users well. Poorly designed interfaces are more likely to
be organized around a specific function or internal structure, leaving
the user to figure out which sequence of functions will accomplish their
particular task. A task-oriented interface guides the user through
sequences of actions by setting up tasks and linking them up via
contextual navigation.
The user can also be directed towards an
ideal process through efficient information architecture. The
navigational data collected can also be used to direct users towards
processes that others have followed. Microsoft’s task pane is a good
example of the provision of contextual navigation between different
Separating the application into task-based interfaces and
giving each task a URL enables them to be linked to from the Web.
Linking from the Web to various tasks within the application will make
the application easy for users to find.
Users Hate Reading
picture says a thousand words. Would you wade through pages of tabular
data if you could view that same information as a graph? Reading
information as text requires our brain to visualize the data.
Representing that information graphically can reduce this effort.
are good at scanning, and we recognize and remember images more easily
than text. Graphical elements more easily facilitate comparisons of
length, shape, orientation, and texture. Animation can show changes
across time. Color helps us make distinctions. Images help us achieve
these aims much more effectively than does text.
elements are more accessible than text for most people, but some
disabled users have problems assessing graphical elements. Computers
can’t understand graphical data well either.
Text is a format that
is universally interpretable. Thus the data coming from the server to
the interface is more useful if it is textual. The interface should
present this data in a way that’s accessible to all users.
Users Hate Security Breaches
we’re happy to share some information with some people, we prefer to
keep some information private. Unwittingly giving other programs access
to private data can have disastrous consequences. For example, allowing
any program to access a user’s Microsoft Outlook address book would open
a can of worms.
Users don’t like to enter their information —
they prefer it to be automatically collected. The developer must be able
to control the sharing of this data in order to prevent security
breaches. The user’s consent should be sought before their personal
information or other collected data is shared. Listing the problems and
advantages that may arise from the user allowing the site to share their
information with others will help the user make the decision. If the
user gives permission to share data, it should be made accessible to
various other parties in standard formats.
Default security
settings are very important, as few users bother to go through them. It
is always better to begin with a strict security policy and loosen it as
required than to try to move from a loose policy to one that’s strict.
The security and privacy implications of all new features and data
collected should be considered before implementation.
Users Hate a Monotonous Look
interfaces are boring. Humans want to stand out in the groups we belong
to, and want to spill our identities onto the things we use; we like
our belongings to reflect our personality. Backgrounds, skins and
sounds are a few ways to give users the ability to change the look of
applications they use. A simple preference for setting the background
and sounds will satisfy most users.
But, beware! While users like
new looks, they don’t like to learn new interactions, which is why it’s
better to keep the interface elements visually consistent with
interactions – this way, users won’t have to re-learn the interface if
they apply a new skin to your application.
Users Hate Platform Restrictions
hate those who stop us from doing what we want to. Laws have been made
to prevent restrictions in the real world. “Make it accessible to
anybody, anywhere!” should be the motto. Applications should not be
restricted to a particular operating system, form factor, or user’s
Users like to learn to use the application once and
then be able to use it anywhere: on the computer, on a handheld, or on a
tablet. Users with varying abilities should also be able to access the
application using specialized software.
The ability to deploy
applications on various operating systems across different accessibility
software is an important criterion when it comes to choosing the
development platform.
Users Hate Rigid Functionality
size does not fit all. A tool’s functionality is vastly reduced if it
doesn’t fit the user perfectly. How would the world be if there was only
one shoe size?
Options to add, remove and modify different
functionality should be given to the user. It is unlikely that users
will change all the preferences to make the application suit them. They
expect the application will be custom made for them, or that it will
know automatically what they want by following their actions.
presets can be made available to users according to different personas
that you’ve identified as being likely to use the product. Preference
setting can be made easier if the control panel is linked to from the
context in which the user might want to make changes. A feature such as
increased the font size can be very valuable to many users.
Users Hate Mistakes
hate making mistakes, but often there’s no way to prevent them. Having
the ability to undo our actions can allow us to recover from mistakes
and learn from them. How great it would be if the undo feature were
present in the real world!
Your application should keep track of
all user actions and enable them to undo those actions. Auto-saving all
actions prevents data loss if the application is closed by mistake. The
data collected by the undo feature can also help the user to keep track
of the navigation path they followed. Tracking user actions allows
interesting metadata to emerge from the user’s interaction with the
content; ways in which individuals might make use of that metadata to
improve the way they work can also become apparent through this process.
individual user actions can also help in the development of macros for
repeating user actions. If a certain action is irreversible, a message
saying “Are you really, really sure?” needs to be presented to the user
before their request is effected. It’s better to back up the data and
give the user the ability to undo their actions than to deluge the user
with these messages.
Tracking all user actions has enormous
benefit in the process of logging actions. The Web browser informs the
site owner about the referrer page, but leaves a gap in tracking
information when the user leaves the site. Rich Internet applications
should be able to gather all user actions, which is of enormous value to
the designer, and has the ability to determine the future path of the
“Release early and release often” is a principle that
sees user feedback incorporated into the software quickly. Better
feedback can be obtained by testing a new feature on a sample of real
users. Errors that occur as users try to learn the interface and issues
with the measurement itself can be minimized by direct testing.
A Usable Architecture
though we have decades of experience in software development, we have
yet to solve the mysteries of software complexity. In order to develop
usable rich Internet applications, it is necessary that the development
process be as simple as possible, without neglecting any of the above
usability constraints.
Patterns make it easier for the architect
by providing them a system in which to store the lessons they’ve learnt.
Most software patterns help the designer to cognitively grasp the
problems encountered by others, and side-step them. A pattern that
reduces complexity for the programmer without allowing them to lose
track of the user will benefit the application designer.
design a complex structure, one powerful technique is to discover
viable ways of dissecting it into semi-independent components that
correspond to its many functional parts. The design of each part can
then be carried out with some degree of independence — as each will
affect the others largely through its functionality — and independent of
the details of the mechanisms that accomplish the function.
complexity of the application is reduced when it’s split into less
dependent pieces. This separation into manageable parts will also make
the application capable of evolution, rather than revolution, as this
approach allows easy and small changes to be made.
The question
now is: how do we split a rich Internet application so that designing
under the above usability constraints becomes simpler? Dividing the
application into pages and navigation will help. Each page is composed
of data, components, logic, and presentation. The pages are encapsulated
in the navigation shell, which again has data, components, logic and
The page is an
aggregation of data, components, logic and presentation. All
interactions that are carried out together are grouped to form a task.
The page encapsulates all these interactions. The users interact by
visualizing and modifying various objects on a page through different
views. Modifying the object in one view could immediately be reflected
in the other views in the page because the rich Internet application is
dealing with the data model of the object, rather than the data view of
the object.
Reflecting the data model locally will enable offline
interactions as well. For example, a tabular data object can be shown in
different views. The table with all the columns, a slider with the
maximum and minimum values of a column, and tick boxes containing the
values of a column are a few views of the table data object with which
the user might interact. Adjusting the slider view should update the
table view in real-time. The modifications that are made to the data can
be sent to the server when the user connects to the network.
the navigation from the page doesn’t mean that that the pages should
not contain any links to other pages. If the page fits in a default
process, the navigation should be integrated into it to help novice
users. Clean and simple pages are easily learnable. Simplicity can be
achieved by reducing the number of elements in the interface and by
categorizing them into groups. The Interaction architect is responsible
for the task-based page design.
provides links from a given page to various other pages, depending on
the context of the user’s original location. It is an aggregation of
navigation data, navigation logic, navigation presentation and
navigation components within pages. Navigation data organizes the
relations between a page and other pages into different facets.
formats like Xfml (eXchangeable Faceted Metadata Language) can be used
to store the navigation data. Other data, such as the navigation path
followed by users, can also be used in navigation.
Having a
consistent navigation layout supports easier browsing of the site’s
pages. Categorizing related links or reducing the number of links makes
the navigation simple. Giving a URL to the pages and making them
accessible from the Web will make the applications findable.
The Information architect is responsible for the navigation layout and contextual linking of various pages.
is separated in rich Internet applications as it comes from the server
or is collected separately on the client side. A few of the different
types of data include application data, preferences data, logging data,
and navigation data.
Some data exists only on the client side, but
reflecting all data on the server provides the user with a consistent
experience across various devices. The Web services on the server side
handle the complexities of sending out the application data according to
the requests received. Restricting shared data access and managing it
efficiently among applications will help the site owner maintain
security. Also, using standard formats to store data will achieve
interoperability between applications.
is the code that describes the behavior of the application. It connects
components, presentation, and the data. Object oriented principles can
be used to reduce the complexity in the logic. The application
programmer is responsible for the logic that goes into the application.
are the basic building blocks of the interface. A few types of
components are interaction components, data loading components,
navigation components and agent/alert components.
components provide visualizations and get interactions from the user for
a particular data type. Separation of the component from logic, data
presentation, and structure will assist rapid development and give the
application designer the flexibility to implement accessible user
interfaces. The components should take in text and provide accessible
visualizations to all users.
Providing various ways to input the
same information helps users interact with the application without
changing their user model. Auto-completion-capable components also
reduce the work load on the user.
Ensuring the learnability and
scanability of components make them easy for both novice and advanced
users. The components should be able to log user actions and take in
actions to enable the undo feature.
Real world metaphors and
affordances enable the user to interact with the software without
learning new things. Various metaphors can be used to make the
interaction with the components simpler.
The Web uses the travel
metaphor, where users click on objects to go to a new page to perform an
operation. Desktop applications use the workshop metaphor, where we
have lots of tools to work on different selectable objects. In the
morphic graphic system, the tasks appear on the objects itself after
selecting it, which comes under the examine metaphor. A set of industry
wide standard components following a consistent metaphor will make it
possible for the user to learn once and use that knowledge anywhere.
loading components manage the data on the client and the server side.
They provide the progress updates to the page, send partial data
downloads to the interaction components and provide seamless online and
offline data access. Navigation components encapsulate the page and
navigation information in the application. Alert or agent components run
in the background and give different types of alerts to the user.
deals with the visual display of the components. The location, sizes,
colors and backgrounds of the components are defined by the
Consistent location for similar types of elements is
encouraged by separating the presentation from the application. Most of
the benefits that come with using CSS in Web pages apply here too. The
visual designer is responsible for the presentation part of the
Advantages of the Pattern
In summary, the
pattern provides the application designer and developer with a range of
benefits that help them develop usable rich Internet applications. The
- decouples tasks according to expert domains, allowing semi-parallel application development
- allows the developers to work within usability constraints
- separates components from the software, enabling faster development
- creates an environment where the page is independent of navigation, which supports just-in-time processes
- makes presentation independent of pages, encouraging consistent page layout
- provides greater scalability of the application due to reduced complexity
- allows for easier maintenance through the splitting of the application into different parts
if the current tools do not support this pattern, it is advantageous to
think of an application in this way because of the benefits it
presents: it provides flexibility, gives independence to domain experts,
and simplifies the problem with out losing track of usability
The availability of multiple options sometimes
overwhelms new designers and increases complexity. The restrictions
introduced through design patterns breed creativity under design
Patterns help reduce complexity and enable the easier
understanding of a given problem. However, a design pattern is not a
silver bullet or panacea to any problem, and should only be applied when
the flexibility it affords is actually needed.